sábado, 5 de outubro de 2013

About India

Yesterday I saw a documentary called "born into brothels 2004"! 

Amazing documentary!  I recommend! 

First of all I would like to say that I'm very happy that there's people that worry about this realities. 
Thanks Zana for an amazing job and to share it with the world ;) 

Unfortunately this is India's reality and I believe in this matter it's not getting any better. 
Actually, the country is not progressing ... In reality it's going backwards. 

Taking as example all the spiritual and ancient enlightened and profound philosophies of India, as vedic texts and mantras, spiritual rituals, music, energy, chakras, yoga, mediation, tantra, art, Ayurvedic, natural therapies, Indian massages, between others, which have been completely lost and abandoned only serving has business tools to attract foreign tourists being of minimum interest to the general population of India. 

I'm an european, living in India for about two years now and I barely feel all of this around me specially if I do not search for it. 
It's an admirable job to the few that actually keep this values and teach them in their purity, rather than a commercial activity. 

Regarding the documentary, I feel that At least childhood should not be taken away from kids, but in India (like other under developed countries  in the world) the grown up people (parents, guardians or "pimps") take advantages of kids to get money for themselves. 
Please remember the "Slum-dog billionaire".

Maybe some teachers represent a different side of this story but unfortunately they are the weakest link and influence in the future of the children. 

This documentary revels one area of society, but most of the kids in India end up to follow the parents foot steps, be it street swipers to high level business man and politicians. 
It is what's expected and not a question of free will nor ambition, which don't exist in India. 

I wish we could do much more for India! 
But it's so hard! 
You try to help but in the end of the day most of them don't want to be helped ... 

For instance, my Bhabhi (auntie) from Mumbai brings girls from the interior parts of India to keep them at home and teach them everything: English, Hygiene, manners, social responsibilities, how to take care of the House/cooking etc... And provide to these girls a better life giving them better conditions and education. 
What's sad is that after some time when they think they know enough, they run away to get married with 14/15 years old and go back to their village and old life. 

Of course it always worth the effort, but how much? 
How do you feel after everything to see that the kids end up almost the same as if you wouldn't have done anything? 
In fact by teaching them a new vision of life sometimes give them a different perspective and expectations which they don't know how to achieve, will simply create a sense of disappointment and fuel for their sadness and frustration. This being one of the major causes of India having one of the highest rates of suicides in the world. 

The country is in a situation where no one wants to develop and the government is the principal feeder of this! 
In one place where the corruption is n1 word/act/justification for everything, it's hard or almost impossible to make a movement that really helps the people, because India's population is only 1.2 billion people!!! 

It's an amazing effort and dedication and passion by Zana and other foreign initiatives to help make a change. But unfortunately the ways of the people and society in India don't allow this children to take full advantage of this opportunities and help improve the country. 

Living here but not ignoring what's around (which its also impossible, it's in every corner of India), I've been learning the word "acceptance"! 
There's things here in India that I will never understand, never because this country is more than surreal ... But we have to accept, we have to learn to Accept! 

This is the reality of India and even if hurts, that's the way it is ... There's things we would
Love to make part and help ... But more than 75% of India is not ready to change yet, they don't want it, they want the way it always is and was! 

Did you saw the bureaucracy for everything ? And in the end... Nothing works. Its made to
Do not work! 
In this country absolutely nothing works! And what works it's just temporary! 

Business wise will find more examples of frustrated foreign investors rather than successful ones, due to: 
Lazy and unhygienic labor force,  Complicated and subjective bureaucracies to support high levels of corruption, very grey legal and taxation systems, untrustable and unprofessional business ethics, lack of functional infrastructures (roads, vehicles, telecommunications, ports and airports, electricity and water, gas) - nothing works properly, and these are just a few of  business challenges in India. 

In this documentary at the school they denied what's Their job: " that girl won't eat alone, etc..." That's why she goes to the School, to learn! 
They deny the ones who need most, just because its too much effort and they know very well the surrounding reality ... 

It's shameful because India has a great potential, they have the youngest population in the world. 
So much things could be done in this country. But unfortunately I believe it will remain like this much more time. 
People don't want to
Change, to Come Out of their blindness ... 
And politicians make sure they keep acting like that! Politicians in this country don't care about the country development... They only want to know about their own existence and how much they can put in their pockets all the time ... 
Politicians and rich people in this
Country all Live to take advantage of the people of India and their ignorance. 
This is a diamond and gold society where they not even know what is a garbage collection yet or other basic important things but they judge themselves like very intelligent and globalised people.

It's a fight for survival, it's  a fight of who steals more from the next! 

But very important: the only thing that keeps India with some values and organisation it is Religion! Religion brings to everyone in India education/art and culture and human/life values. 
This is also the reason why a place with so much people has a high level of safety and functionality/respect (although even this is changing). 
Of course that in the past this was even bigger, but you can feel it still nowadays.
Religion is the only thing that unites all castas/social classes in this country. 

Like the girl said "it's all about money only"! 
And money in India is above anything else! 

With all this realities, how this country will going to change??? ... And which changes are the best ??? ... 

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